Usage and signing data
After you have a logged in user
object from the callback or home page, you can do the following:
User information
Get the anonymous account ID
Get the username
Get the DID
Sign a W3C verifiable credential
const vc = await user.signVc("", "NameAndDob", {
name: "Joe Somebody",
dob: new Date('1999-06-04')
const verifiedVc = await vc.verify();
Authenticate to your server
const vc = await user.signVc("", "UserAuth", {
accountName: await user.getAccountName.toString()
const verifiedVc = await vc.verify();
const userDid = vc.getIssuer();
// save userDid as the account unique user ID
You can also use the same flow above to send all requests, which adds integrity protection and non-repudiation to all requests to your server.
Sign a document
Sign a blockchain transaction
Step 1. Modify your Antelope smart contract to accept signatures from users signed into your registered app (see Register your app)
#include <id.tmy/id.tmy.hpp>
token::transfer(const name &from,
const name &to,
const asset &quantity,
const string &memo)
require_auth({to, idtonomy::id::get_app_permission_by_origin("")});
// or
require_auth({to, idtonomy::id::get_app_permission_by_username("")});
Step 2. Use the API to sign the transaction
const trx = await user.signTransaction('eosio.token', 'transfer', {
from: "me",
to: "you",
quantity: '1 SYS',
memo: 'test memo',
Sovereign storage vault
Store data
Request data